Thursday, June 6, 2024

Summer Online Workshop Series for Rising Seniors: College Search & Application Tips - Sponsored by Loyola University Maryland

With the college search process becoming more real for your students as they approach their senior year, I would like to invite you to share our Workshop Wednesday series with them. These online workshops, designed specifically for students beginning their college search, offer valuable information and interactive sessions to help them navigate this important journey.

  • Navigating the College Search Process - June 26, July 24, and August 7
  • Navigating the Application Process - July 10 and August 14
  • How to Write a College Essay - July 31

All events will be held at 2 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on the day of the event and registration is available on our website.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this invitation with your students and encourage them to attend these workshops. They are designed to provide helpful information regardless of where their college search leads.

In addition to our Workshop Wednesday series, we are also offering in-person tours all summer. You can find more information and the full visit calendar on our visit page.

Thank you for helping us spread the word. We hope to see your students online this summer, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact your students' admission counselor, Joann Wang, at

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